Free Workshop
Yoga is far more than just a set of stretches! If you are curious or have already realised that there is something more to it all, you are in the right place.
all the details
Yoga is actually a huge and vast topic which delves deeply into who we are in our day to day life as well as on the mat. The problem is there is just not enough time or opportunity to learn about this in a regular drop in class at your local studio.
In this workshop I will introduce you to the 'go to book' for all Yogis and Yoga teachers when it comes to yoga ethics, mindset and philosophy.... The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. When I first discovered this book it opened my eyes to what Yoga really is and completely transformed my Yoga practice and what Yoga meant to me. In the workshop I will share some of these golden nuggets of Yoga philosophy with you.
No previous knowledge or experience necessary, everyone is welcome!
You will be guided through Patanjali's famous and transformative 8 limbs of Yoga. This provides us with an incredible roadmap on our journey of Yoga
Learn how to draw from this ancient wisdom to create more joy, balance and harmony in our lives both on and off the mat
Take away with you a renewed and deeper understanding of what Yoga really is and guidance on how to keep learning more!
Free handouts and my favourite Yoga Sutras Reading List
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