British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course Online 

British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course 1 

Delve deeper and discover what Yoga is really all about! This transformative course reveals the many aspects of yoga barley touched upon in a regular class. Experience the magic and science behind the power of yoga! 

Are you ready to Delve deeper?

 Course commencing 21st September 2024

Sign up today!

Yoga stretches far beyond being just set of exercises! 

Have you started to feel that there might be more to Yoga than meets the eye? Are you curious to find out why? Do you dream of one day becoming a Yoga teacher but don't know where to start? Or do you simply want to take your practice to a deeper level?   

If the answer is yes to any of the above you are in the right place! 
If you have come this far in your yoga journey, I am guessing that it has already started to bring transformation into your life in some way.
The BWY Foundation course is the perfect opportunity to take that transformation even further and find real clarity and confidence in your Yoga knowledge and practice.

Discover the roots and philosophy of Yoga and exactly why it is different to other forms of exercise. Learn to integrate these concepts to live a more balanced, healthy and happy life. Learn the logic of the physical practices and how they fit into an ancient tradition as well as the modern day science. Learn to call your practice your own and feel confident, informed and empowered on your yoga journey. 


Are you ready for the next step? 

"It gave me the confidence and the motivation to go back to University after over 25 years"

Lindsey Davidson

I wanted to say thank you so much for delivering the course. It really made me rethink my life goals and as a result I decided to do the MA. It gave me the confidence and the motivation to go back to University after over 25 years. 


"It totally changed my mindset and inspired me to continue onto teacher training"

Brianna Oliver 

Hana has been so incredibility wonderful and I have leant so much about pranayama, yogic philosophy, the different paths of yoga. I am now doing the BWY teacher training and it is all down to Hana’s incredibility awesome foundation course. 

"It was an incredibly enlightening and positive experience"

Jade Tyso

It hugely helped me gain the confidence to put together my own sequences. The philosophy applied to real life off the mat. I think anyone who takes the course will find it so enriching and will continue their Yoga journey from there. 


Hi, I'm Hana your tutor for this course

 I took the BWY Foundation course before embarking teacher training many moons ago. It changed my whole perspective on what Yoga really is. It changed my live and career for good! I am so excited to offer this same course to you and hope it will be as transformative as it was for me!  

After teaching this course in person for over 7 years, I am so excited to be able to offer it online!

The British Wheel of Yoga Foundation course is an accredited course suitable for students wanting to deepen their knowledge of Yoga. This 60 hour online course covers many aspects that would rarely be touched upon on a regular physical Yoga class and is a fantastic way to discover what Yoga, really is all about. The course can be an ideal first step for those wishing to continue to teacher training or for students who do not wish to be teachers but would like to develop their studies of Yoga further. On completion of the course students will receive a BWY Foundation Certificate. ​​

British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course Online


Course Structure

There will be 6 live Zoom session on the following dates: 
4th Nov 2023, 2nd Dec, 20th Jan 2024, 17th Feb ,16th March, 6th April

6 Live Zoom sessions

Bite sized pre recorded material will be release between each live zoom session for you to practice in your own time. 

 Pre Recorded Material 

There will be a Whatsaspp group where you can connect with me and the group between sessions as well as partnering up with a 'study buddy' 

Ongoing support

60 hours of course material will be spread in the following way

Discover Yoga's origins and its real meaning. We'll explore various Yoga paths, traditions, and schools.

Delve into the philosophy of Yoga, especially Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, a timeless guide for yogis seeking a happier, more balanced life.

Additionally, we'll explore the philosophy behind the physical practice, including topics like chakras, body cleansing, and energy systems.

We will get into the basics of Yoga anatomy. You'll learn which muscles are getting stretched and worked in different Yoga poses, and how to prepare yourself better for each pose. We'll also talk about how to adjust postures to fit your needs and understand the good things they do for your body, both physically and energetically.

This knowledge will help you create your own Yoga routines at home with ease.

Here's What You'll Learn

History and Philosophy of Yoga

Asana and Yoga Anatomy 

We'll explore what meditation means and why it's important according to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. You'll also learn and practice different meditation techniques that are suitable for everyone, including beginners.

Don't worry if you've had trouble with meditation in the past; there's something here for everyone to enjoy!


Pranayama holds the potential for profound transformation. In our course, we'll delve into the science of breath and its intricate ties to the nervous system. We'll also explore the traditional Yogic perspective on pranayama and guide you through practicing a diverse range of techniques.

No worries if you have no previous experience of pranayama, we will start from the basics and slowly build from there. 



You'll be delighted to know that relaxation plays a big role in this course! Along with trying out various relaxation techniques, we'll explore why relaxation is essential. You'll uncover how it impacts the nervous system and brings us closer to our true selves.

Sound and its vibrations hold a significant place in our existence, starting with the primal sound, OM. We'll delve into the meanings of Sanskrit language and explore ancient mantras. Together, we'll chant and use recordings to truly feel the transformative power of sound in yoga.

No prior experience is required, and you don't have to be a good singer!



There is a huge amount of information and teacher training courses out there, it can be overwhelming! I can give guidance on what to look for in a course as well as explain in detail what the British Wheel of of Yoga Teacher trainings involve. I can also give a realistic perspective on what it is like to be a Yoga teacher and the ins and outs on what it involved. 

Help and advice on teacher training

Learn how to create your own home practice. We will look at sequencing, how to create a warm up, choose a key pose and counter pose to ensure you practice safely. There are pre recorded practices to do at home, but I also encourage you to start to make practices of your own. Each meeting we will check in with study buddies for support and accountability. 

How to create a home practice 

On completion of the course you will receive the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course Certificate

By attending and completing 80% of the course you will receive a BWY Foundation Course Certificate. This can used as a first step towards teacher training. 

By joining the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation course with me, you will receive lifetime access to the pre recorded course content! This will be an invaluable resource for either your personal practice or if you continue onto teacher training. 

Get  Lifetime Access! 

Having long term students is one of the things I value the most about my work. If you choose to continue your study with me for the BWY 300hr teacher training I am offering a massive 10% off (saving up to £410) 

Get a massive 10% off 300hr Teacher Training 


(Value £410)

Get one month free on my Women's Yoga Membership! This includes access to a live weekly class via zoom, monthly Women's Yoga circle, philosophy/mindset, pranayama, mantra and Yoga Nidra recordings. 

One month free on my Women's Yoga Membership


(Value £67 ) 

“The Foundation course gave me the inspiration and confidence to continue my path to teacher training”

Jenny Daly 


The course works really well online and it meant that I got to meet people from all different parts of the country. The classes were really well structured, with a good balance of content, group discussions and practical work- I really looked forward to our classes every month! The pre-recorded materials were a great resource for us to work through in our own time- and refer back to at any point. The Foundation course gave me the inspiration and confidence to continue my path to teacher training- and I'm now a BWY Level 4 Diploma student with Hana!

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


 "I have learnt so much about yoga, philosophy and anatomy which has enabled me to learn more about myself" 

Amber white

'I would like to say a huge thank you for everything over the duration of the course! I have learnt so much about yoga, philosophy and anatomy which has enabled me to learn more about myself. At the start of the course I think I said I wanted to feel more embodied and I have achieved this goal and so much more. I have come to understand that yoga is a way of life that reaches far beyond what we do on the mat.' 

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


“I have deepened my practice of Yoga beyond just the physical practice"

 Susanne Rae

I have really enjoyed the foundation course with Hana. She has made everything really easy to understand and the sessions have been fun! Hana is a great teacher, she is patient and explain everything really well and she makes the lessons really interactive and interesting. The asana practices are well paced and she gives lots of guidance and encouragement. The recorded material is in bite sized pieces and really easy to use. My reason for joining the course was to deepen my practice of Yoga beyond just the physical practice and this course has been perfect for that. 

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


“It has surpassed my expectations and worked really well online.”

It has been excellent doing it online, it completely surpassed my expectations. It worked really really well. Hana is an excellent teacher and we have all gotten to know each too.

British Wheel of Yoga Foundation course 2020/21

Past Courses

"I now understand how breathing, preparation, mindset and perspective can deepen my practice"

 I have been around a lot of Yoga teachers and been doing it for a really long time but I had not really reflected. So I am surprised that by investing in this and being around others who are interested in yoga has helped me be more authentic.  


“It was exactly what I wanted and actually I got loads more out of it than I anticipated”

 The biggest thing was developing my own home practice and having that to build on. I feel that is something that something that now is really established. 

British Wheel of Yoga Foundation course 2018/19

Jane Fletcher 

Liz Dixon

Cherry Fitzsimmons

“It’s not just impacted my physical Yoga practice but also really given me a better sense of what I need and my values.”

Hana has exposed us to so much in terms of Yoga philosophy and theory and all the nuances behind things. It’s been such a positive experience and I feel really empowered to move forwards on this journey. 

 kale chips.

British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course 2018

“I honestly don’t think you could find a better teacher to do the course with.”

 Hana is so supportive and wise, but also lovely and fun. It’s just been a really lovely course. Since doing the course it’s amazing to know how much more there is to Yoga and how much more I now get out of classes.

Britisgh Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course 2017

Claire Mathews

 Stephanie Lamb

Here is what you can expect from joining the course 

Here is what you can expect from the course


Yoga Philosophy and Anatomy are huge and complex subjects! On this course I use my years of teaching experience to simplify and make these topics relatable and applicable to our day to day lives. 


You will learn on this course that Yoga truly is a practice that meets you where you are! I offer modifications throughout the physical practices, in both the pre recorded material and live sessions. 


Join a community of like minded Yogis! The course includes plenty of group discussions and group work to share our experiences and support each other throughout the course. 


Pre recorded course material is broken down into bite sized pieces making it easy to absorb and fit into your daily life. If you miss the live sessions you can also catch by watching the recordings. 

easy to follow teaching.

Accessible Yoga practices

Friendly and supportive yoga community 

Flexible Learning 

Join BWY Foundation Course today! 

This is for you if:

You are interested in discovering what Yoga is really all about

Only interested in the physical practice of yoga and nothing else

You are interested in becoming a yoga teacher but would like to be sure this is the right path for you

Your main goal is to work towards advanced Asana on the course

You have no desire to be a Yoga teacher but would like to study all the topics that Yoga teachers do! 

It's probably not for you if...

Do not have time to watch the pre recorded material or attend the sessions over the 6 month duration of the course

Course commences 21st September 2024

Course Dates

Live zoom sessions on Saturdays 1.30-7.30pm
21st Sept, 5th Oct, 16th Nov, 4th Jan, 1st Feb, 1st March

(If you are unable to attend a live session you can catch up via the recording.) 

6 live Foundation Course zoom Days (36 hours in total)

Recordings of Live sessions 

Lifetime access to pre recorded material 

Pre recorded Lectures and practices (24 hours in total)

Bonus: 10% off BWY teacher training with Hana

Bonus: 1 month free Women's Yoga Membership  

Join the BWY FC1 whatsapp group   

Foundation Course 1 certificate on completion 

Summary of what's included

Other expected costs and equipment: 
  • £52 yearly BWY Membership 
  • £60 BWY Registration Fee
  • Course books: The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar (approx £10) 
  • Yoga Equipment: Yoga mat, Yoga belt, 2 bricks 

Terms and conditions: 
Course fees are non refundable




Best value!

Sign up today!

One payment early bird discount

Monthly installments

Sign up today!

6 monthly payments

Early bird extended until 31st August!

I am so glad you have landed here! 

I took the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course myself over 20 years ago! At the time I had just graduated from dance college and was having a tough time auditioning for jobs and teaching dance. Yoga had already been helping me ease the physical impact of dance but when I was introduced to the philosophy of yoga on the foundation course it was life changing! After studying and working with my body for many years, it was the first time I started to understand the body-mind connection that made everything make sense. 

The foundation course changed my relationship with my body, my life style and my career. I have now been a full time yoga teacher for more than 17 years and it all started with taking this course. I am so excited to have the honour of sharing this course with you! 

Hi, I'm Hana, Mum, Yoga teacher, lover of floaty dresses, cosy jumpers and tea! 

Meet Hana...

Why practice with me? 

7 years Experience of running BWY Foundation Course

I have been running the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course since 2016. Over the years I have fine tuned the course material to find ways it as inclusive and engaging for anyone who joins. 

BWY Diploma Course Tutor 

I am also a British Wheel of Yoga Diploma Course Tutor. I offer 5oohr and 3oohr Yoga Teacher trainings through BWY. This means I can offer great advice on your next steps towards teacher training should you wish. 

17 years + Teaching Experience 

I have 17 years plus teaching experience and teaching Yoga is my 
full time career and passion. 

Join me on the BWY Foundation Course 

I don't want to be a Yoga teacher, is this course suitable for me?

There is absolutely no focus on the teaching of Yoga to others on this course. It is a personal development course that will introduce you to all the different aspects of Yoga stated in the syllabus. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to be a Yoga teacher, is this course suitable for me?

It is ideal if you are considering teacher training and an invaluable preparation for what lies ahead. You would develop your personal practice and all round knowledge of Yoga, so you will be sure of what your stepping into when it comes to teacher training. The course includes guidance and support for choosing and moving onto teacher training too. 

Is this a teacher training certificate? 

We ask for people to have around 2 years or more experience of attending Yoga. This is not because the physical postures on the course are difficult, it is because we need to be sure you have a genuine interest and commitment to Yoga, for you to get the most from the course. The postures covered are basic ones such as downdog, triangle pose and so on, but we look at the fine details in each of them in a workshop style. In a regular 6 hour day, there is will be approx 90 minutes physical practice, the remainder will be the other subjects covered. 

Will the physical Yoga be advanced? What level do I need to be? 

This is not a teacher training training certificate. It is a 60 hour personal development course which will prepare you for teacher training should you wish. 

I have an injury at the moment is it suitable? 

If you were unable to do the physical practice on any given day you would still benefit a huge amount from the rest of the course. Plus the physical class is always as a workshop would be, so there are plenty of notes and observations you could take down for your personal use later. .

I can't make all the dates, will that be a problem?

As long as you can attend 80% of the course there is no problem at all. Live online sessions will be recorded so catching up is possible in your own time. 

Is there a lot of homework and assessments? 

There is just small amount of reading homework and a home practice diary, which could take 10-15 minutes each week. You would need around 1 hour a week to watch pre-recorded material. There is no formal assessment.

What is your cancelation policy. 

How long will I have acess to course material? 

All fees are non refundable and non transferable. Should you pay in instalments but leave before the end of the course, the remainder is still due. 

You will have lifetime access to the pre recorded material. Lifetime access refers to the lifetime of the course. So as long as I am offering the Foundation Course, this material will be available. 

If you still have questions about the joining BWY Foundation Course?
Feel free to get in touch!
You can book a free 20 min discovery call
or simply send a me a message and I will get back to you. 

Yours in yoga 
Hana xx


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Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is.

- Sarah

“I mean, there are basically no words! My business has totally changed!”