
4 Ways to ensure a sustainable and lasting Yoga practice

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I’m Hana.
Yoga teacher and teacher trainer, London Mum and lover of tea! I am here to help you create more ease and flow in life through the transformative of power Yoga and mindset. 
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We all have different patterns and relationships with our Yoga practice. Maybe we practice once or twice a week. Maybe we go through periods of practicing and going to class or self practice everyday and then go through a time of yoga drought for long periods of time. What if it gradually becomes harder to motivate yourself to get on the mat? All of these things are normal. The question is how can we ensure we build a loving, rational, steady and long lasting relationship with our Yoga practice? Below are a few attitudes we can be taking during our Yoga practice, that are sure to keep you in a great and loving relationship with your practice, your body and yourself.

1. Congratulate Yourself

Congratulate yourself for getting on to your mat, whether it be at home or in a class. Showing up to practice is the most important step you can take. Sometimes it’s not easy. A million things on the ‘to do list’, feeling tired, feeling unmotivated, there can be so many physical and phycological hurdles to jump over until we finally arrive on our Yoga mat. Then from the moment you begin, give yourself a big and wholehearted ‘well done’, after all what could be more important than taking time for you to look after your body and soul.

2. Unconditionally listen, appreciate and love your body
Listen and appreciate your body as it is today. Maybe it feels tired, tight or sore. Maybe it feels great. Either way do not expect, demand, ignore or judge your body during your class. Yoga aims to firstly connect, become aware and accept. After this, a way to transform into the expression of the posture will surely arrive.  Image if one day you can easily touch your toes, then the next day you can not. The most loving and Yogic way to go about this is to simply accept that today you are in a different place. Enjoy that new place and the different stretch. Don’t ignore the facts and force yourself to go further which could leave you feeling like a failure which certainly is not achieving anything good. Love, accept and enjoy your body in each posture, no matter what. This is surely key to a loving, long lasting and fruitful relationship to your Yoga practice.

3. No competitions and  no judgements, just be as you are
Never compare yourself to other people in your class, pictures or videos on social media or yourself as you where 10 years ago. A yoga class or practice should be a space where you feel you can focus on you. What others think and what others can and cannot do is completely irrelevant. You are there to enjoy, breath and feel good for yourself. Yoga is not a competition and you should not allow yourself to feel judged by yourself. Rest assured that your teacher will not be judging you as they will know and understand the Yoga ethics. Be kind to yourself always. 

4. Smile, shine and be happy!
Yoga can seem oh so serious at times! You know it is absolutely ok and fantastic to smile and even have a giggle at yourself. Allow yourself to feel good in a pose, breath deeply and express the pose to your full potential, which includes your whole wonderful being. No need to shy away and shrink your body in the corner, you are here now and you are wonderful. Send yourself love, approval and positive vibes during your practice and you will feel how your body responds in amazing ways. If you notice any negative thoughts, congratulate yourself for noticing and replace with far more useful self approval and love!

‘To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.’ Thich Nhat Hanh

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I first came across Yoga whilst in professional dance training and over the years I soon discovered it was my true calling to work in the community as a Yoga teacher. Fast forward 17 years and it has been my full time profession that has supported me both energetically and financially to live a life I love. 

Being a busy Mum and main income earner in my family, I know all to well about the daily juggle and struggle to maintain balance needed to feel healthy and happy. Yoga has been my salvation and has gives me the space and time I need to thrive.

Over the years I have supported hundreds of women to make peace with their bodies and feel empowered through the practice of yoga. 

Hi, I'm Hana, Full time Yoga teacher and teacher trainer of 17 years experience, London Mum and Lover of Tea! 

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